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Neat Tips & Tricks for Staying Your Best (even on an off day)

  It’s not every day that you’ll wake up feeling super great and ready to take on the world, although we would love to, the reality of the situation is we don’t. Sometimes life happens and causes us hurt and stresses that make our day 10 times harder than it should. Luckily for us there are a few tips and tricks to help us not look how we feel on those days. Sometimes the tiniest things make the biggest difference, so here are a few little things that are guaranteed to help you stay on top of your game *wink*.

Eyebrows: - Groomed eyebrows balance your features and frame your face. Eyebrows in my opinion makes a vast difference in the way a person looks. Even if you don’t wear make-up or on a particular day you choose not to, having groomed eyebrows will be an advantage to you.

Skin: - Healthy skin makes a huge difference in your appearance and all it takes is eight glasses of water a day. Less soft drinks – more water!

Hair: - We’re only human, so we’re undoubtedly going to have a bad hair day, that’s fine as long as it isn’t everyday *straight face*. What’s worse than bad hair is dirty hair. Make it a routine to wash your hair at least once a week, even if you have relaxed hair or extensions and clean hair grows healthier so it’s a win/win situation. Everyone wins.

Nails: - A basic manicure can be the difference in how someone perceives you. People have a tendency to look at your nails and come on; you can tell a lot about a person by the way they groom their nails. Chipped nails are just as awful as chipped nail polish. If you can’t maintain nail polish, then just put it on when you need to then take it off and go back to a simple clear coat. You don’t need an expensive manicure, a simple file, buff and clear nail polish gives a nice clean appearance and looks great any day.  Same thing applies to toes.

Wardrobe: - Keep your wardrobe up to date as much as you can. This isn’t hard or expensive to do. Sort your clothes out twice a year, I choose to do mine July and December and put into effect the one year rule which is: anything that hasn’t been worn for more than a year can be thrown out, given away or donated. Hoarding old clothes leads to clutter and clutter causes confusion. Know what colours suit you best, know your shape and size and stick to that. Throw out everything with stains, holes, that’s been over-worn etc. You know what I’m talking about, that favourite top you have with the coffee stain that you just can’t seem you let go. LET IT GO! If your wardrobe is always kept, then anything you pull off of  a hanger or out of a drawer on an off day will still be fine and you would save you from being out looking like road kill.

Shoes: - This one is pretty straight forward. Get rid of anything that’s over-worn, peeling, unsticking and can’t be fixed, discoloured or outdated. Take care of your shoes and keep them clean, they last longer this way. Be good to them and they’ll be good to you I promise.

The thing about your appearance is that it’s the thing that people use to assess you. It’s what determines your opportunities, how people perceive you, how people class you, it’s even responsible for how people approach you on a daily basis. Think about it for a second; two people walk into a room one smells awful, hair isn't combed, dirty nails, clothes hung up all over and the other is well groomed, smells great and well kept, you are going to immediately favour the well-kept person. The well-kept person attracts the opportunity and also attracts people. Always remember you attract what you put out. So next time you’re about to think “well I don’t care how I look, cause they aint paying me or my bills” remember that your appearance is an expression of who you are and it shows the level at which you think. 


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